Electronic Money Institution

Peter Bang
3 min readNov 9, 2020


An Electronic Money Institution is often confused with a bank. This article will discuss what an Electronic Money Institution is, its difference from a bank, and how it generally works.

What is an Electronic Money Institution?
An Electronic Money Institution is an establishment that supplies a financial product, which in this case, is electronic money. It is a financial institution licensed and authorized to issue electronic money. EMI only stores electronic money via a device.Electronic Money Institution

What is E-Money?
Electronic money is defined as the monetary value stored in a technical device. This money stored and read by devices is used to pay for services and products. The device serves as the instrument. There is no need for the involvement of a bank account in these transactions.

The electronic money institution is responsible for storing the monetary value of the e-money in a central accounting system or the enterprise’s server. Or it will store it in an electronic carrier like a chip. The EMI uses e-money as

What is a hardware-based e-money?
The hardware-based e-money or hardware-based product is where the purchasing product relies on a physical device. One example of a personal physical device is a chip card. The hardware-based e-money must have security features. The monetary values are transferred through device readers, and there is no need for network connectivity.

What is a Software-based e-money?
Software-based money or software-based product relies on software. The software is stored on personal devices, such as phones and tablets. The software allows the transaction through the means of an online connection to a remote connection. That remote server controls the use of the purchasing power.

This one is pretty obvious and you do not have to be a genius to figure it out. While your grandmother may not be so eager to learn how to use electronic money, younger generations love these possibilities. Electronic money institutions push progress from behind. Instead of spending millions to employ thousands of people, run television ads and run local branches and offices, they go in a different direction.

EMIs draw new customers’ attention and interest with innovation. Just think about only payments a decade or two ago. They were the hype. They sounded amazing. These days, they dominate the market. They were not invented by large banks or other similar institutions. Instead, small EMIs came up with such solutions.

Flexibility is also ignored when you go through the benefits of EMIs, but as you get to use such institutions, you realize flexibility can make your life easier and prevents lots of frustration. EMIs are not like banks — they do not limit you to their own solutions, which are often far from what you want. They are acceptable, but definitely not the best.

An electronic money institution will most likely give you all the possible options and give you the opportunity to choose what you want. Financial banks usually stick to wire transfers and card payments. EMIs have a few times more payment solutions and some of them might be better than the classic alternatives.

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